Software Developer

Collins Kiplagat

Hello, my name is Collins and it's nice to meet you. I have been working as a fullstack developer for over 3 years, during this time I have worked for agencies and startups.


Details about me: my skills and links


My works: The project I have done or am still doing


Get in touch with me through my Socials and Email


Find out more about me

Software Developer

As a highly experienced fullstack developer with 3+ years of work in Spring Boot and Golang, I am proficient in full stack application development and web user interface creation. My technical skills include expertise with technologies such as Java, Golang, Typescript, React, Next js, Angular, Vue js, MongoDb, and MySQL/Postgress databases for application development purposes. In addition to my technical skills, I have excellent problem-solving and communication abilities, and am able to work effectively in a team environment. I am constantly seeking to learn and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies in the field.



Spring boot






Next Js

Vue Js

Git & GitHub

Mongo DB




Tailwind css



My projects

Coki Mega Shop

Experience a sleek and modern front-end React UI for your e-commerce shop, crafted with Next.js, React Icons, Headless UI, and Tailwind CSS.

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Airbnb Clone

Build an Airbnb clone using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. Create a feature-rich and visually appealing vacation rental platform that mimics the renowned Airbnb experience.

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Hulu Clone

Recreate the magic of Hulu with a Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TMDB-powered clone. Develop a dynamic streaming platform that offers an immersive entertainment experience similar to Hulu

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Nuxt Products UI

Experience a stunning product UI developed with Nuxt.js and Tailwind CSS. Unleash the power of Nuxt.js to create a seamless and intuitive user interface for your product. With the flexibility and customization options of Tailwind CSS, your UI will be visually appealing and responsive across all devices

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Visitor List

List of guests that have visited. It also have search bar and add visitor button to enable easy adding of visitors

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Employee Manager

A Spring Boot and Angular application for creating and managing employee details

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Open Table

Check the restaurants near you

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